Shaykh Hisham Al-Kabbani
And what benefits us, Prophet was the first to explain it. Wa ma arsalnaaka illa rahmatan lil `alameen. Whatever benefits us he was responsible to deliver else he will be asked why he hided it. Allah swt trusted the Prophet with whatever he created and whatever he created it release to the Prophet s message. So thru his message he was able to reach every person in his time and after his time. And he was the first one who taught Sahaba the use of energy and energy power. Not only energy, but also what is available of different powers around us in this world.
There are many ways that the Prophet has shown us to heal, one of which is described in the hadith of the blind man who asked the Prophet to heal his sight.
The Prophet taught him the dua to recite but he didn t say to him go and read the dua.
He said to him the first step is to go to the ablution area and make ablution. It means ablution is the opening for every sickness to be cured. If you don t have ablution, your effect of curing that disease will be minimal.
Wherever you are reaching, high levels of struggling against the ego and preventing the desires of the ego, using that power when you contradict the ego, building the power more and more, when the negative energy goes away from you, the positive increases.
But with ablution that will double, no that will be thousands and thousand times more powerful that what it used to be.So he said, go and make ablution.
So the first level: when you want to make ablution what do you do?
[intention] other than niyyat. What is first action in wudu [washing hands& up to wrist].
You wash the hands and in between the hands [fingers]. So when you are washing the hands, it means the first movement you are doing is using the hands.
So the first level of energy is in the hands. That is why you see those who are attempting to learn from Islamic ways and adopt in their ways, especially the people of India and china, those who believe in bhuddism, first they do as using hand as a method to release energy from their body. Because they try to use their body, they collect energy thru their body, like a dish, a parabola. What to y-ou call it. Dish?
They collects these energies and release thru their hands. The body acts as a collector of energy. Thru their different movements of very stressful different exercises that they do thru their body, they begin to acquire that kind of energy and concentrate that energy and release it out thru hands on sick people and it has effect, everything that they use to heal has an effect sing energy.
The best example of that is laser light, they use to heal sickness in the eyes and even to cure blindness. Laser surgery. They don t use equipment anymore, only laser.
So the blind man, when he asked the Prophet, the Prophet gave him a hint that thru the release of energy, that blindness will go. 1400 years ago the Prophet healed the blindness thru energy. Make ablution, clean yourself.
That is why he said, the weapon that protects you from the enemy is ablution.
It can release energy and burn it thru releasing thru the hand. The blind man learned that and used it and we will say later how he used it.
We will concentrate on the action of ablution in this session.
• He went thru many different actions and was cured instantly of blindness.
• When you take ablution you wash your hands and then rub them, you turn the right over the left and the left over the right.
• And after you turn them, first right over left, then left over the right.
• You cannot begin with left over right.
• You must begin with right over left.
• Then you clean between the fingers and intersect the fingers with the fingers, coming like this, the right thumb on the left and the left thumb on the right.
• They use this in the bhuddist healing without knowing the Islamic secret. They used to release this energy to the sick areas.
• First you are using 10 fingers. 10. And 10 is the power of computer, energy, zero and 1. It is 10, one and zero. That energy that Allah taught programmers is coming from hands.
• So they are channeling it in computers now, and you are seeing all the miraculous power that the computer can do.
So if the computer can do that, it represents 1 and 0, have that great power, they channeled into the computer to do magnificent work. They channel that energy to heal. They use it without knowing why. They don t know the Islamic aspect.
The Islamic aspect is that the one and zero, and that I why you see if you open your hands and draw a line [connecting the fingertips] you form a circle.
It is 20 cm. around.
• So the hand represents the body, as you open the body it is a circle, the whole body is in the hand.
• Just as they teach in reflexology. Thru different points you can heal.
• The higher level thru reflexology is not to touch.
• The hand acts as a receiver of positive energy, when you extend your hands, one of the courses they give in Islamic healing, later it will be advance, when you open your hands and make I like a satellite dish and not thinking, not imagining, but looking that your body is a complete circle and all this energy that is coming from the cosmos is coming on you and you are taking it in and pulling it thru your body and concentrating it thru the heart.
• Thru meditation for 15 minutes. That is a later technique, not for now.
That is how you get in the symbolic that the whole body is a circle and that the hand is a circle.
When the body acquires the energy then the body acquires the energy. Receive energy from left hand and right hand and channeling them thru the body.
• So when you begin with the hands, rubbing them, when washing them and rubbing them to activate them, that is sign of 1 and zero, and you being to activate the process of what codes Allah has given us thru the hands, you being to activate them.
• That is why we begin to rub right over left and left over right. If you stand in a mirror you see the left is right and the right is left.
• If you stand with your arms spread, you see the opposite. If you are looking from the other side, the left becomes right and right becomes left. That is because in reality we are an image of the reality. In heaven the left is the right and the right is the left.
• That means the right must submit to the left, because in the `alam al-arwaah, the right is left and the left is right. So here is the opposite.
That is why the right in dunya, the left is right in akhira. The left has to submit to the right.
[if you are in heaven looking down&]
where we arrived submission.
The left has to submit to the right and the right has to submit to the left. But in reality the left is the right and the right is the left.
Now everything goes here in dunya when we make tawaaf, we do the anti-clockwise, not clockwise. That will explain to us why we do anti-clockwise, which is the image of the clockwise in akhira. It is like the mirror. Here in dunya it is anti-clockwise, but in akhira it is left to right clockwise.
• To activate that power, Allah is telling us that I am activating your powers from the 99 Beautiful Names and Attributes that I have stamped in your hands.
• Rubbing you use to produce fire two sticks. Rubbing produces energy.
• So rubbing the hands produces energy.
• The water prevents the energy from going out, it freezes it. That is why the Silah al-mumin al-wudu. [the weapon of the believer is ablution]
• As soon as you rub, that creates energy and by rubbing under water that keeps the energy in the body to be released later.
• When we rub our hands we are preparing energy to keep it and to save for use against the enemy.
But when we want to heal we don t use water.
• We rub with no water, we want to release it out.
• When using water we are collecting and saving, collecting and save. When we want to release it we open the hand to release it out.
• So how to activate that code,
• if you look at your right hand on it is the number 18 and on the
• left is 81. so 18 and 81 is 99 names of Allah. [Arabic numbers]
1. So both of them consist of one and eight. And one and eight together and eight and one together make 99. add
2. 99 together -> 18. add 1 and 8 together you get 9. add 8 and 1 together > 9. add together 99. it means all end up in 9.
3. That explains he meaning of the nine points of the self, which are the nine awliya responsible for the self. They use these 9 points in the Enneagram.
• This is the teaching that they brought from Central Asia, from Naqshbandi people, which I explained one time. They use this linear, but in fact it is a circle.
• If you talk to I taught her how to use that. They have nine bullet points that consist of the whole system, the whole body.
• When you rub the fingers you are activating the 99 beautiful names of Allah. By activating them you are activating the 9 points that are on your body.
• And when you activate them, as if the receiver is now on, energy is going in, it begins to work to be able to receive, digitize it and release it out as a picture and as a sound, as we are seeing today.
• Similarly, the hands that are circles, that is why when we rub them and open them, they begin to act as circles over each other, taking all whatever energy coming they are managing .
• That is why silat also they use the hands, and all that they teach of martial arts. But they don t know why it is energy, it is because of the 99 names and attributes. So they can protect themselves thru the names. They don t know. But when Allah gives he gives.
• They are using and he lets them use it and they know there is a power there but don t know why.
• They make quick moves and use that to defend themselves and protect others and to defeat the enemy.
Sayyidina `Ali, when Prophet (s) healed his eye, he opened for him that reality. And that is why thru that energy he has in his hands, he was able to carry the world [up] to his knees because that energy was carrying the world to his knees.
• So when you are activating the 8 and 1 and 1 and 8 which are the 99 names, in numerology 9 is equal to zero.
• 9 all of them end up in 9 if you add them. 9 in numerological terms equals zero, you don t add this number.
• This number doesn t exist anymore. It means submission, complete submission, when you activate that energy you are under that energy s submission, submitting to that heavenly energy that is coming.
• You are no longer seeing yourself acting but that energy is acting, you become zero. Like going in a plane or train or car. The car submits to the persons driving it. Similarly the train submits to the one driving it
• You submit to the energy coming and you release it out. Your body becomes like a receiver and a reflector. You have these TV receivers they only act as receiver that reflect the image. It is not them doing the job, it is the heavenly energy doing the job.
• That shows us how far we can go with these numbers when we activate them together the 18 and the 81. and why the significance of the
• 18 and why the significance of the 81. that is we leave to another session.
• Why is it 18 and why is it 81? There is a significance there, and I don t know even, what will come. That is an introduction to these different techniques that they are trying to adopt without knowing its background. And how they can effect more thru their healing.
• So after rubbing the hands and expediting the release of energy still end up on 19.
• what I mean by 19, here is 18 and here is 81. Add them and you get 99. Ad the 9 and 9 you get 18. Add the 1 and 8 you get 9. So you activated the 9.
• When you rub and activate the nine, now you pass the water, if you check, those who know how to make wudu, not everyone knows to intersect the fingers. Then you are activating the 10. The 10 and the nine, comes to 19.
• And 19 is the number in the Holy Qur an, that recently they found that every ayat in the Holy Qur an is on 19. And that 19, wa yahmilu arsh arrahmani yawmadhin thamaaniyya. and eight will, that Day, bear the Throne of thy Lord above them.[69:17] And those holding hellfire are 19.
Hell is energy, so that is the power of energy.
• You are activating the negative energy to heal the negative energy.
• You need poison to heal poison that is why they give antibiotics.
• That 19 is the number of angels responsible for hellfire. So you use that energy that comes from them, negative energy.
• By negative if you multiply you get positive. You heal sickness by fire that comes from hellfire.
• That energy when it comes out completely breaks down the poison that is in the system. That is how you activate the 19 together.
The eight, which relates to the 8 here, the 1 and 8 and the 8 and the 1.
• When Allah s throne comes on judgment day. 8 angels are carrying it.
• So what are they carrying they are carrying The 1.
• The 8 is carrying the 1. Allah is showing us that in our hands. You are activating also the good energy. After releasing the good energy.
• After you destroy the negative energy with negative energy you want to dress them with the 8 and the 1 with the good energy, the heavenly energy.
• That paradise energy and dressing them with it. And that is why they feel now strong and they feel they are cured.
• When you being activating by rubbing the hands you are activating the number nine, that is complete submission.
• Now you are letting your body submit to the cosmos energy that is coming. And that energy represents fiery energy.
• When you activate with the 10 you are activating the energy.
That negative energy is not bad, it is the power of the negative one,
• you defeat enemy by enemy. The energy from sun is fire energy but at same time it is healing, useful energy. You use negative to heal negative to destroy it completely.
• You leave them with nothing, then activate the 8 and the 1.
Insh Allah more on Healing Coming Soon.
Indonesian Versian Click here.
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